The scientific museum pole is composed by three curious and fascinating museum, located in the Anatomical Institute’s Palace: the Human Anatomy museum “L. Rolando”, founded in 1739 and mounted in a XIX century fashion, which exposes a collection of scientific instruments and preparations, organic remains (like the skeleton and brain of the anatomist Carlo Giacomini, who voluntary donated them to the museum!) and anatomical models (like the Man of Azoux, from 1830, made of 129 decomposable pieces; the Criminal Anthropology “C. Lombroso”, founded in 1876 and opened to the public in 2009, which exposes the Lombroso collection: pictures, scientific instruments, handcrafts made by the prisoners and internalized in the psychiatric hospitals, and also a reproduction of the scientist’s study. Lombroso thought that the criminal is like that for birth and anatomic reasons; the Fruit Museum “F. Garnier Valletti”, inaugurated in 2007, that hosts a collection of more than 1000 “artificial fruits” modeled by the scientist and sculptor Francesco Garnier Valletti at the end of XIX century and acquired in 1927 by the “Regia Stazione” of Agrarian Chemistry of Turin.
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